Alabama team begins Farnborough meetings targeting growth

FARNBOROUGH, England – Alabama’s business development team at the Farnborough International Airshow began holding its initial rounds of appointments this morning with aerospace companies.

Over the next two days, Governor Kay Ivey and Greg Canfield, secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce, and his team will engage in at least 16 meetings at Farnborough with companies. The team’s overall objective is to position the state for new investment and job creation in the sector.

“Today is the first official day of the Farnborough Airshow, but leading up to today, we’ve already had significant discussions with two different companies about projects,” Secretary Canfield said. 

“That’s exactly why we’re here, to build relationships and make contacts. Alabama has springboarded into a lot of projects by being here at Farnborough and making contact with great companies.”

Alabama aerospace
Commerce Sec. Greg Canfield and Gov. Kay Ivey began an initial series of meetings at the Farnborough International Airshow.

Governor Ivey said she is committed to facilitating growth in the state’s aerospace sector, which already boasts over 300 companies involved a wide range of activities.

“Alabama’s aerospace industry is thriving and gaining momentum for even more future growth,” she said. “I want to see this industry continue to expand across Alabama, bringing good jobs, additional investment and new capabilities.”

Made in Alabama caught up with Governor Ivey to get her views on how the state’s business recruiters can capitalize on the global aerospace industry’s premier trade event in 2018.

What do you hope to accomplish at the Farnborough International Airshow?

“The Alabama team’s mission is to promote the state as an ideal location for new aerospace projects. We have appointments with leaders from aerospace companies based around the globe, and I will personally tell them about Alabama’s many advantages.

“Many of the biggest names in the business already have operations in Alabama. We’ll renew connections with them and share our commitment to help them grow in the state. We’ll let companies not already in Alabama know that they need to be.

“Aerospace is an industry with a future – a future that will be made in Alabama.”

What are Alabama’s advantages for aerospace companies?

“The aerospace industry has a robust and wide-ranging presence in Alabama. Our workers assemble passenger jets, manufacture missiles and rockets, produce advanced materials, develop technology, train pilots – and much more.

“Alabama can offer aerospace and aviation companies everything they need. We have a dedicated and skilled workforce, as well as proven job-training programs. We offer the right business environment, and we know how to help aerospace companies thrive. 

“Alabama and aerospace just go together, and this relationship is poised to climb to new heights.”

Why do you want to see this industry grow in Alabama?

“The aerospace industry provides Alabamians with technology-focused jobs and opportunities that lift families and communities. Aerospace and aviation are fueling advances in Alabama’s evolving economy and helping to solidify future gains

“Alabama workers are well suited for aerospace. There’s a manufacturing heritage in the state, and our workers know how to make things. They also relish technical challenges and finding innovative solutions. 

“The qualities sought by the aerospace industry are in the DNA of Alabama’s workforce.”


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