Why Alabama?
We make it easier for businesses to succeed.
Look, we get it. We’re not the top of everyone’s list. But while larger states have been getting all the attention, Alabama has quietly become a leading destination for businesses from around the world. Take a look and you’ll see why — a business-friendly climate, a well-funded infrastructure, lucrative incentives and a highly-trained and motivated workforce. All of this in a state situated in the heart of the growing South. Simply put, we make it easy for businesses to succeed. What can we say? We’re friendly like that.
miles of navigable waterways
public airports
miles of interstate
total population
Taxes & Incentives
Professional hospitality.
Southern hospitality is more than kind words and firm handshakes. It’s welcoming businesses of all kinds to our state and setting them up for success with some of the country’s most competitive business incentives.
You can make it in Alabama.
Alabama is a state of makers, builders, and doers. So, whatever you make or build, you can do it in Alabama. We’re a launching point for aerospace, aviation, and defense. A leader in automotive production. A home for startups, technology, and research breakthroughs. And drawing on our manufacturing roots, we’re helping to usher in the industrial evolution in America. Companies of all kinds have found success in Alabama.
Our Partners
Project Assistance
In Alabama, Commerce’s Business Development Division is a driving force for economic prosperity. Its strategic approach to economic development, combined with collaboration and community engagement, helps to position the state as an attractive destination for investors, businesses, and job seekers alike.
Our state is primed to provide those who seek to do business here with what they need to be competitive and prosperous. The Department of Commerce aims to highlight Alabama’s position as an ideal location for investment and provides resources for businesses and site selectors.