Governor’s Trade Award Winners
Recognizing excellence in exporting.
The Governor’s Trade Excellence Award was established in 2005 (inaugurated in 2006) to recognize excellence in exporting demonstrated by Alabama businesses and to celebrate their international success. The award program, coordinated by the Global Business Office at the Alabama Department of Commerce and the Export Alabama Alliance, includes small, medium, and large exporters as well as new-to-export companies from every region of the state. Companies selected are from the manufacturing, service, education, and agribusiness sectors.
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The objectives of the Governor’s Trade Excellence Award Program are to:
- Identify Alabama’s successful and innovative exporters.
- Promote exporters as role models to the Alabama business community to encourage greater involvement in the global marketplace.
- Develop and enhance awareness of the positive impact of exporting on Alabama’s economy.
Potential award winners are considered upon submission of their application, which assesses the candidate on various criteria, including:
- Level of export sales in proportion to total sales.
- Sustainable growth in export sales and quality of export marketing strategy.
- Senior management’s commitment to export development; innovations in exporting; and businesses that have benefited from export assistance from the Export Alabama.
Companies may nominate themselves or be nominated by a trade association, customer, or anyone familiar with their achievements. A panel from Export Alabama selects recipients of the Governor’s Trade Excellence Award.
The Governor’s Trade Excellence Award represents the commitment and strong cooperation that exists between local, state, and federal partners to support and encourage Alabama companies to grow through exporting.
Organizations under the Export Alabama Alliance include: Alabama Department of Commerce, Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, Alabama District Export Council, Alabama International Trade Center, Alabama Port Authority, Alabama World Trade Association, North Alabama International Trade Association, Port of Huntsville, U.S. Commercial Service Alabama District Office, and the U.S. Small Business Administration.