Henry B. Burdg, CMC, EDFP, PBA
Director – Auburn Technical Assistance Center (ATAC) Harbert College of Business
570 Devall Drive
Suite 304 – Auburn Research Park
Auburn, AL 36832-6948
Phone: (334) 844-4659
Fax: (334) 844-5989
Email: atac@auburn.edu
Have an idea for a product or business but don’t know where to start? Are you needing to validate your idea to reduce risk before taking the next big step? Create, Communicate, and Commercialize your meaningfully unique ideas through systematic innovation process assistance from the Auburn Technical Assistance Center (ATAC).
ATAC can help coach you through a process to determine how likely your idea is to succeed and what could prevent the idea from moving forward. As an arm of the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business at Auburn University and an Economic Development Administration University Center, ATAC provides idea creation, business start-up technical assistance, and consultation for entrepreneurs and existing small businesses.
ATAC provides hands-on mentoring, coaching, and facilitating to identify and refine your product/service offering, customers/markets, and improve business processes. ATAC assists individuals and businesses in developing and implementing a Learning Plan to move through rapid cycles of learning to define the customer and their problems, develop your value proposition, and a product or service that meets those needs. ATAC will guide you through a fail-fast/fail-cheap cycle to dissolve the start-up risk with small steps so as discover early “death threats” to your business idea/strategy.
Key Assistance Programs
• Product, Service, and Business Model Innovation
• Business Plan Development/Review
• Market Feasibility and Customer Survey Research
• Website Development and Optimization
• Marketing Strategy
• Product Design/Branding
• Creation of Pro Forma Financial Statements